About MIP

Master's Program Infrastructure Planning (MIP)

The general information about the MIP can be found here

Infrastructure is a fundamental prerequisite for development. At the same time, especially in developing and emerging economies, there is a need for professionals capable of directing the planning and construction of infrastructure networks and facilities.

In 1983, the University of Stuttgart introduced the Master's Program Infrastructure Planning to meet this need, establishing one of the first postgraduate degree courses in Germany taught in English. The four-semester program accepts students every winter semester.

This Master's Program Infrastructure Planning emphasizes an interdisciplinary, integrated approach to planning and deals with problems especially relevant to developing and newly industrializing countries. Graduates of the program work in high positions, shaping development all over the world.

In three semesters, the tightly structured program of core courses and electives is complemented by a practically oriented large case study. During the fourth semester, students complete their Master's Thesis and, after successful completion of all study requirements receive the academic degree "Master of Science" (MSc).

The following is the list of the mandatory [M] and specialization [S] modules being offered by the Master's Program Infrastructure Planning:


  • General Aspects of Infrastructure Planning [M]
  • Statistics and GIS [M]
  • Environmental Aspects [M]
  • Regional and Urban Planning I [M]
  • Regional and Urban Planning II [M]
  • Transport Planning and Modeling [M]
  • Water and Power Supply [M]
  • Sanitary Engineering [M]
  • Case Study [M]
  • German as Foreign Language [M]
  • Project Planning and Financing [S]
  • Applied GIS [S]

For detailed information please visit the following links:

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